My Mamu has a penchant for silver shoes. When she and my Papu were strolling around the mall last week, they saw this pair of silver patent sneakers. My Mamu, overjoyed, bought them on the spot. They only cost 99.75 pesos. That's approximately 2 dollars. One of those lucky finds, like my sandals before. The good thing about these sneakers is that they go with everything. My parents seem to detest cartoon characters on my clothes and shoes - you won't see me with a Donald Duck or Snoopy on my shoes (unless it's a present from someone else). They had these sneakers in mauve patent, too. Thank goodness my Mamu settled for the silver.
31 March 2009
I had to attend a testimonial dinner for my grandmother Oma with my parents. It was a big deal, that dinner - my Oma was the guest of honor - so my folks figured I better go properly attired. I suited up, teehee. My Auntie Mandi got me that tee (she got it when I was still in my Mamu's belly), and my Ninang ("godmother") Trina Ilarde got me that bib - a pair to the one I wore the other day. The dinner was a success. I mingled with everybody - in other words, I got carried and passed around from one professor/Jesuit/administrator to another. Really, you'd think I was the guest of honor, not my Oma. Teehee.
March 30, 2009
Suiting up, baby-style! Hehe.
Tee - Gingersnaps; Shorts - Baby Armstrong; Sneakers - First Step; Bib - Mothercare
Wasn't really scheduled to go to my doctor today - but we found out my doctor was back from vacation so we hurried over to her clinic for my vaccine shot! I didn't have any clothes - good thing we came from my grandmother Luli's house, and she had just bought a new tank top for me (she got me those white leather hi-tops, too!). She got matching shorts, too, but less than an hour of wearing them, I got marks on my sides already - the new shorts were too tight. (Thank goodness we had an extra pair of shorts in my diaper bag - I would hate to face my pretty pretty doctor wearing just nappies!!!!!!) Shucks though, to think the shorts my Luli got me were brand new, too... Hey! I'm not overweight. Really. My doctor said so. She weighed and measured me and everything. She said I was just right. So maybe I just look overweight, teehee. My Ninong ("godfather") Zito says I'm "festively plump." There.
March 30, 2009
Hospital regular!
My Mamu really liked the baby shoes my Luli got me. So she bought me the exact same pair - now I have one pair for Luli's house, and one pair for our house.
I like the little etchings on the sneakers, too - especially of the little red bike!
"I'm not fat! I'm big-boned!"
Tank - Mother's care in Landmark; Shorts - Baby Armstrong; Shoes - Pitter Pat
It was DAVID's baptism today! My turn to come to his party! We were late! We went to the church and no one was there anymore. Turns out my silly parents got the time of the actual baptism celebration all wrong. So we had to hurry over to the reception venue. So many pretty balloons! David was asleep most of the time - again! I never seem to catch him awake. Have yet to have decent conversation with that guy, hehe. My Oma got me that plaid shirt - this is the second and no doubt the last time I'll be wearing it. I was busting out of it already - I can't help growing so fast! - but I had to wear something proper, because it was a baptismal celebration after all! (I think I was dressed more casually in my own baptism, haha). Check out the bib my Ninang ("godmother") Trina Ilarde got me - I'll blog about those in another entry. Teehee. Those shorts, which my Mamu got me, can I just say, she bought those at the girls' section in this local kiddie clothing boutique called Gingersnaps. Grrr. You can't tell from the pictures, but they're high-waisted and pleated and they're linen. Arrrrrgh.
March 28, 2009
Shirt - Periwinkle; Shorts - Gingersnaps; Sandals - Enfant; Bib - Mothercare
shoes and almost shoes,
shorts and pants
24 March 2009
Well, so I got baptized! I am now a little Catholic boy. Baptisms are quite a big thing here in Manila. I have ten - yes, count 'em, TEN - godfathers ("ninongs") and seven godmothers ("ninangs"). My Mamu was cautious and decided to leave her other close friends for my future sister or brother. We had the actual baptismal sacrament in the Santa Rita Parish in West Avenue - it's the same place where my Papu got baptized. Also, my parents chose it so I won't have a hard time getting my baptismal certificate someday, when I get married (they're very organized with their records there at Santa Rita, plus it's very accessible, with plenty of parking spaces, teehee. My folks were very thoughtful - Mamu said my future wife better appreciate the gesture!) My grandma Luli took care of the reception - we had it at my grandpa's sports club. Usually, little baby boys wear teeny tiny satin shirts, or mini "barong Tagalogs" (the embroidered formal traditional garment for Filipino men, according to Wikipedia). My parents couldn't find anything nice - the one nice "barong Tagalog" we saw didn't have my size. So they got me a baptismal gown instead. A dress! Yuck! My Mamu promised I would never have to wear it again. (Which is why she only got me a 300 peso gown from SM!). Thank GOD for that!
March 21, 2009
Apart from my baptismal gown, I had two other wardrobe changes, teehee. But my folks decided to save those for another entry.

And guess who I met at last? Why, my kinakapatid ("godbrother") DAVID!
(My Mamu is his godmother, so David is my "kinakapatid" - "kapatid" being Filipino for sibling!
David and I were born exactly 10 days apart! We both also have silly mommies who go nuts about our clothes!)
I prayed that my parents would never let me wear a dress again!
(That is my "yaya" or nanny in the background)

Baptismal Gown with Cap and Booties - Star Baby from SM
my friend David,
23 March 2009
My parents and I have been so busy the past two weeks! First, we moved. I don't know where half my clothes are! My Mamu and Papu haven't had time to document my outfits - and I've had at least three really good ones the past week or so. Hmph. Second, we were all too busy planning my baptism! Will post about that stiff little baptismal gown soon. (It was so hot - I have to frown every time I remember it). For now, check out this fantastic invitation my Auntie Mandi designed for me. She took some of my personal items - my hospital I.D. tag, an old sock I outgrew, a nappy clip, clothing tags and shopping bags from clothes I got - and put everything together in a collage. Then she took a picture, and my Mamu had it printed as a post card. Isn't it neat! My Auntie designed a bookmark for me, too - for my giveaways! Kissy to my Auntie Mandi!

Postcards by Mandi
12 March 2009
Of all the baby labels in my wardrobe, I've noticed my parents' favorite line seems to be the stuff designed by the local, art-driven brand, Googoo and Gaga. They've announced their new designs for toddler tees, and re-issued designs for both tees and onesies. My Mamu is going gaga herself, just browsing the collection online. They'll be introducing and selling them at the Summer Urban Bazaar in Rockwell on March 13 to 15. I guess you guys know where we'll be this weekend!
Image from Googoo and Gaga here.
Googoo and Gaga
09 March 2009
I went to Tagaytay again today with my parents, and my grandparents - Luli and Lolo. We had lunch with my Luli's sister's family in Leslie's (Tita Myrna, Tito Jun, and Auntie Chesca). I went to Starbucks for the first time, too. No coffee for me though, not even a measly frap - boo! No sweaters this time either - it was a scorcher in Tagaytay that day! My parents went to a concert last night - a really huge Filipino band called the Eraserheads, the closest we can get to something like the Beatles - so for today's outing, in honor of music gods saying good-bye, they made me wear the Beatles onesie my Auntie Mandie got me at Mothercare. (It's this baby boutique where my Mamu and my auntie run around like crazy kids in a candy store). Beep beep yeah!
March 8, 2009
"Dairy only."
"Little Lennon Groupie."
Onesie - Mothercare; Sandals - Enfant
shoes and almost shoes
06 March 2009
"It was my third monthsary last February 28, and my Mom and Dad took the day off to take me to my doctor and to finally go malling!!! My folks decided it was time for me to go out and explore! I wore a navy blue tank top with a picture of a van with surfboards. The shirt had a print that said "little dude" - which I really am. I also wore my Tommy Hilfiger shorts which my parents bought at Greenhills - I don't know what or where Greenhills is, but my parents always seem so excited to go there. My shoes were an impulse buy by - who else - my Mom. It was okay though, she said that it was only 80 pesos at the Landmark. The insides of my sneakers are very soft and I like them very much. I'm a little dude!!
- Hugs from DAVID!"
February 27, 2009

"I know, I know... eat your heart out, ladies"

Tee - Carter's; Shorts - Tommy Hilfiger; Sneakers - La Planete Des Bebes in Landmark
"Hello! I'm Tajito's future playmate, classmate, busmate, textmate, cellphone mate (oh, not quite yet, my mommy goes!), David. I don't have a nickname but my Lolo Vic calls me Boogs for Bugoy! My parents were bored one Sunday and decided to let me try on one outfit they were crazy about. When my Dad was in the US last year, he went to this huge store called Old Navy where he bought me a lot of clothes. I wasn't out yet that time, mind you, but I already had a wardrobe!!! Mom and Dad dressed me in this onesie which is quite long - I look like I'm wearing overalls. To finish my rockstar look, my Mom pulled out my "Almost Shoes" socks - a gift from my Tito Pol. The socks she chose look like red sneakers! The whole outfit though was a bit hot - I only wore it for about an hour or so. After that, it was back to my good ole' nappies and sando ("tank top")! The tambay ("hanging out") look is still the best look I say!
- Hugs from DAVID!"
January 18, 2009

Onesie - Old Navy; Almost Shoes socks - Babinski Baby
02 March 2009
It's March! Summer in Manila! Hurrah!!! In honor of the beginning of summer, my folks got me my first pair of sandals. They were itching to get me rubber flip-flops actually, but we couldn't find anything that fits me quite yet. (I've grown bigger, but not THAT big). I'm just glad Mamu didn't make me get a pedicure!
March 1, 2009
Sandals - Enfant
shoes and almost shoes
My parents and I drove over to Tagaytay, which is a city nestled on the hilltops overlooking Taal Lake, about an hour's drive away from Manila. We had breakfast at Cafe Breton in Cliffhouse, with a great view of the Taal Volcano. My parents figured I needed some fresh air. I'm in another sweater given by my Lola Lorna - my Mamu's favorite, because it's so cheery and colorful, she says, and the new onesie my parents got me. The lolo ("grandfather") fuzzy shoes are from my Oma. It's cooler in Tagaytay than in Manila, but since summer is just around the corner, it was kind of warm in Tagaytay that day, with the occasional blast of cold wind. I think my Mamu brought me there just so I'd have an excuse to wear all my new sweaters before I outgrow them! At least I didn't have to wear that bulky ol' sweater all day!
February 28, 2009
Hooded knit sweater - no brand; Onesie - Pipsqueaks by David and Goliath; Shoes - Luvable Friends; Bib - Kladd by Ikea
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