My Mamu started a collection for my Papu - of souvenir tees for all the places they've gone on vacation to! And now she's decided to start a collection for me, too! Here is my first souvenir tee - a reminder of my holiday in Subic with my Papu's folks. My lolo ("grandfather") got me that tank top - just as well because it was extremely hot that weekend in Subic! I must say it fits me to a T! Teehee!
19 May 2009
I WENT SWIMMING FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! For real, this time! The first time I went for a dip I bawled like, well, a baby. Duh! And it was a jacuzzi in my godfather Jay Castro's farm over in Tarlac. This is my first time to swim in a pool - the second time I've dipped anywhere aside from my own tub back home, teehee! - and I DIDN'T CRY! I wasn't exactly giggling either, but I think it's a definite improvement. The swimming pool in the yacht club is awesome - I could see all the boats and yachts from where I sat (very still) in my Mamu's arms in the water. My Papu held my nose and we went down for a real quick dip in the water. I went back up spluttering a little, and almost wailed - but I didn't! I'll get the hang of this swimming thing yet!
May 10, 2009
For when I decide to go wakeboarding with them one day, they say! Teehee!
(It kept slipping through my fingers, grrr!)
And here I am after my swim - all wrapped up in the big colorful beach towel my grandmother Luli got me.
From the expression on my face, you can tell I'm still trying to make up my mind whether I like the water!
(I only stayed in the pool for exactly 20 minutes! That's what my doctor ordered!)
From the expression on my face, you can tell I'm still trying to make up my mind whether I like the water!
(I only stayed in the pool for exactly 20 minutes! That's what my doctor ordered!)
Check out my monogrammed towel - care of my Luli.
Dashing, don't you think? Heehee.
Rash guard surf shirt - Old Navy; Trunks - Cococabana
beach and swim gear,
Old Navy
Back to back weekend getaways with my grandparents - with my Papu's folks this time! We stayed over at the Subic Bay Yacht Club in the city of Olongapo - in the province of Zambales! We celebrated my grandmother Luli's birthday last May 8 - my Lolo Roland Lorilla booked a huge room for us in the yacht club (he and Tita Mitch got me that tee - and my godmother Anna Devanadera got me those shorts!). I came with my parents, my Luli, my Lolo ("grandfather"), my Uncle Jino, my Yaya Sabs and our friend Ronnie! On our first day there we checked out the duty free stores and - we went to ZOOBIC!!! I HAD A BLAST!!! I saw ostriches and tigers and bear cats and a whole bunch of animals! But what I really loved the most in the Zoobic Safari? The leaves! I was sitting plopped on my Lolo's arms the whole time we were in Zoobic and he couldn't stop me from grabbing them! Quick hands! Teehee! Too quick for Lolo!
May 9, 2009
Playing with the puppies at my grandparents' house, right before we set off for Subic! (I almost ate the puppy, haha! My Mamu had to stop my putting it in my mouth!)
Inside one of the duty free centers with my grand father - "Shopping? Yawn!"
Tee - Gingersnaps; Shorts - Calvin Klein; Almost shoes - Funky Feet; Bib - Kladd by Ikea
11 May 2009
My grandaunt, Lola Madonna, bought me this quilted medical kit that time we went to Clark for holiday. Everything is handmade - from the little doctor's bag, to all the doctor's accessories inside. There's a quilted stethoscope, thermometer, injection, and that thingy that takes your blood pressure. We got it from a handmade quilting workshop called Rosas in Pampanga. Aside from this quilted medical kit, they also have a little vanity kit (with handmade little quilted lipsticks for little baby girls - ewwwww), a Noah's arc, a dinosaur set, and a whole bunch of other neat stuff. All quilted, all handmade, and all safe and soft enough for my little teeth to munch on! Thank you, Lola Madonna!!!
handmade for kids,
Rosas Quilts
06 May 2009
My last day in Clark! Bah! We managed to squeeze in a little photo op by the old planes on display there (Clark is home to an airfield after all). Then we all bundled back into the car and drove straight home to Manila. We only stopped to have lunch out at a Japanese restaurant. I think I'd be able to gobble up a sushi platter soon as I can chew proper. I was eyeing the sushi and sashimi all throughout lunch. We also passed by a bookstore, and here I am posing beside the most recent Time Magazine cover, teehee. Wouldn't it be something if I landed on the cover someday? For now though, I'd settle for learning to flip from my back to my tummy. I still can't do it. I'm still too heavy!!! Oh, THANK YOU to my Opa and Oma for the wonderful holiday!!!
May 3, 2009
My Ninang ("godmother") Trina Ilarde got me that bib!
"Hmmm...Me thinks I can fly one of those!"
Parents, be warned!
Most influential in TWO families at least!
Tee - Baleno Kids from SM; Shorts - Gingersnaps; Sneakers - First Step; Bib - Mothercare
Boy, I had fun today! My family and I spent most of the day out and about in Clark, and around Angeles City in Pampanga. We went to a quilting place and I got myself a little medical kit! Then we went to a mall - SM Clark (really, don't these people EVER get tired of SM?!) - where I, for the first time in my life, went on rides!!! Well, sort of. I sat propped up on those mechanical rides but my parents refused to drop coins in to make them go - they were worried I'd fall off! (Also, it was all they could do to stop me licking the steering wheel! So my Mamu was watching me like a hawk!). We had lunch out, and in the afternoon, the whole family went to an ice cream parlor. I had to change outfits again that day even though it wasn't as hot as usual. Hey, if you "ride" around as much as I do, you're bound to get a teensy bit sweaty! P.S. Thank you to my Tita Trina Gar and Tito Jang Moreno for my blue tee, Lolo Roland and Mitch Lorilla for my shorts, my other grandmother Luli for my almost shoes, and to my Ninong ("godfather") Zito and Tita Karla for my onesie, which I've worn before!
May 2, 2009
At lunch in C' Italian Dining.
I am so waiting for the day I can finally eat PIZZZAAAAAA.
(But right now I really feel like eating my feet again!)
Check out one of my "almost shoes" again - this time in navy blue.
I rode this...
... and this...
... and this! Wheeeee!!!
And here I am, later during the day, not quite ready to walk.
Walking schmalking! I want wheels!
Blue tee - Mothercare; Shorts - Gingersnaps; Almost shoes - Funky Feet; Bib - Landmark
Onesie - Ratzo
I'm going on holiday again!!! Hurray! It's another three-day weekend here in Manila (Labor Day in our part of the world!) and I headed off with my Papu, Mamu, yaya ("nanny") Sabs to stay in Mimosa Leisure Estate in Clark Freeport. It's out in another province called Pampanga, about 2 hours away from Manila, where I live! We went with my Opa, Oma, and Auntie Amanda. Plus my grandaunt, my Opa's sister, Lola Madonna was here for a visit, too! Yey! My grandparents rented a villa in Mimosa, and I had a grand time. We spent our first day lounging at home (I got bitten by bugs though, argh!), and went out to dinner after. I got that tee from my Ninang ("godmother") Trina Ilarde. I guess everyone in my family knows Who's The Boss!
May 1, 2009
Trying to sit on my own! (With Papu standing by in case I topple over, hehe)
This is what I wore to bed our first night.
But 2 seconds after changing into my jammies, I spit up.
(It really does).
Anyhoo, so I ended up wearing this onesie instead. Here I am the morning after.
I had to wear long-sleeved onesies to bed -
the centralized air-conditioning in the Mimosa villas get super cold at night!
I wore that light blue onesie before, it's "unbearably" cute, haha.
My Ninang ("godmother") Bles Cuaycong got me both those onesies as baby shower gifts!
"Hey! Where's my other shoe?!"
Yellow tee - Mothercare; Board shorts - Spin; Sneakers - Chicco; Bib - Furry Friends
Navy blue and light blue long-sleeved onesies - both from Baby Gap; Jogging pants - from SM
Baby Gap,
Furry Friends,
shoes and almost shoes,
shorts and pants,
tees and tanks
I went out to attend a "bridal luncheon" with my parents today, so I "suited up" again, teehee. Wore a bow tie - sort of! Got that tee from my Tita Monica Villanueva. We had lunch in Serendra with my Mamu's friends, Tita Tinggay (BoPeep!) Mercado and Tita Patricia Bautista - and both of them completely doted on me. Well, THEY ate, and I entertained - as usual! I'd say I did the tee justice, hehe. Wore my linen shorts again - it was another scorcher of a day in the city! A vest, a bow tie, and linen shorts - I guess today I'm going preppy. And on other days my Mamu makes do rock and roll. I wish she'd make up her mind. I wonder what look I'd actually go for when I can finally pick out my own clothes!!
April 26, 2009
Indeedy, sweetie.
Tee - Gingersnaps; Shorts - Gingersnaps; Hi-tops - Chicco; Bib - Kladd by Ikea
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