I turned ONE today!!! It's not every day someone gets to celebrate his or her First. Birthday. Ever. Teehee!!! My Papu and Mamu took the day off from work to be with me on my very, very special day. And what a day we had! Instead of having my big party today, we decided we wanted to spend my first birthday with just the 3 of us - and my yaya ("nanny") of course. This is how we celebrated my special day:
November 18, 2010

I woke up and I was 1!
Tank top - a gift from my Lola Des and Lolo Ben Insigne!
We went to a commercial complex called Nuvali. It's out-of-town, in Santa Rosa, Laguna.
They have a man-made lake there, and a boardwalk with restaurants and cafes. My parents wanted to get me outdoors!
I explored the boardwalk first before lunch and tried to decide what I wanted to do.
On my list for today: take a boat ride around the like and feed the kois!
(I was too small to go on a bike ride. Maybe next year! Teehee!)
Here I am exploring the boardwalk! I like to walk around and see everything before settling down somewhere. My Mamu calls me Curious George.
We decided to have lunch at Italiannis. It was a beautiful day out. Sunny, but not too hot.
Here I am trying to decide what to get for lunch.
The folks in Italiannis brought out birthday panna cotta for me and sang happy birthday!
My Ninang ("godmother") Bles Cuaycong got me that tee!
Boat ride comes first! My first boat ride ever! On my first birthday! Woot woot!
My other Ninang Anna Devanadera got me those shorts!
There were sprays of water shooting out of the lake.
It completely made me giggle the whole time!

Time to feed the fish! They tried to show me how to throw the fish pellets into the lake, but I couldn't do it.
I don't know how to pinch my fingers just yet, you see, so I couldn't grab the teeny tiny pellets.
And also, the fish kind of made me nervous. They seemed so hungry!
But I have always loved fish. I make a beeline for ponds and aquariums every time I see one!
Soooo.... after Nuvali, we drove back to Manila and went straight to Manila Ocean Park.
More fish! Yay!
I kept running towards the huge tanks. I was gawking at everything.
I got to touch a huge starfish too. It was all bumpy!!!
I couldn't get enough of all the fish I saw in the ocean park!
We went to visit a jellyfish exhibit too!
When we headed home for dinner, I found my grandparents, Auntie Amanda, and Uncle Jino at our house for a mini-celebration!
I also got to "blow" out the candle for a little cake my parents got me!
And that's how I celebrated my first birthday!
Thank you to everyone who greeted me and spent the day with me!!!
Tee - Gingersnaps; Shorts - Calvin Klein; Sandals - Florsheim Kids