03 August 2009


Another Saturday at my doctor's! I got my pneumonia vaccine - it pricked! For the first time, I howled when I got my injection (probably because I was kind of in a lousy mood to begin with - they kept making me lie down, when I was intent on attacking this little wooden giraffe at my doctor's clinic). I went out to lunch with my Papu and Mamu before going to the doctor's though! We went to my Papu's favorite Chinese restaurant in a shopping center in Manila called Greenhills. We ate at Le Ching. For the first time, I got to "order" and eat along with my parents. They ordered this porridge dish (meatballs and century egg congee) and my Papu fed me little spoonfuls of the soup. (My Mamu always brings me my own plastic spoon, in a little plastic container, just in case!). I liked it! I liked "dining out" with my folks! As for my doctor's appointment, she reported that I went through a growth spurt this month! My height and weight plateaued during my 7th and 8th month, but now I got much taller (and heavier, hehe) - yay! She also instructed my parents to feed me solids three times a day now. THREE times. Wow. At least now we all know for sure I like Chinese food. My Papu, who loves it as well, is extremely relieved!

August 1, 2009

My Uncle Amiel and Tita Mary got me that tee!
My Lolo Ferdie, Lola Irene, Ate ("big sister") Bianca, and Kuya ("big brother") Rapha Insigne got me that bib!
My parents' boss, Atty. Sonya Castillo, got me those pants.
I think they're actually shorts, but they're kind of big for me so they end up looking like pants!

Here I am waiting for my "congee" in Le Ching!

Sitting on the floor outside our doctor's clinic with my Mamu.
I'm laughing up at two little girls in this picture.
They were playing nearby!
(See that round little pink patch on my tee? That's my visitor's sticker!)

Inside my doctor's clinic now, still waiting our turn!
I do love the toys in her waiting room! I always end up attacking them, hehe.

Tee - OshKosh B'Gosh; Shorts - Zara Kids; Sandals - Florsheim Kids; Bib - Kladd by Ikea

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